17 Software Engineering Diversity Statistics

 In the dynamic field of software engineering, diversity statistics serve as a powerful lens through which we can gain insights into the composition and dynamics of the industry. 

While the field has witnessed remarkable growth and innovation, it must be acknowledged that diversity within the software engineering workforce is still a work in progress. 

According to a 2023 report by the AnitaB.org Institute, only 22% of software engineers in the United States are women, and only 8% are Black or African American. These numbers have remained relatively stagnant in recent years, despite efforts by tech companies to increase diversity in their workforces.

These statistics underscore the urgent need to address the disparities and create an environment that not only welcomes individuals from all backgrounds but also leverages their unique perspectives and experiences for the betterment of technology and society. 

Top 18 Software Engineering Diversity Statistics

This exploration of software engineering diversity statistics will delve into the current landscape, the factors influencing these numbers, and the compelling reasons why diversity is a cornerstone of innovation and success in the ever-evolving software engineering domain. 

As we navigate these statistics, it becomes evident that promoting diversity is not just a matter of equity but also a strategic imperative for a robust and inclusive tech future.

1. 22% of software engineers in the United States are women

The 2023 study by Zippia paints a clear picture of the current landscape, with only 22% of software engineers in the United States being women, and a striking 78% being men. 

Furthermore, the racial and ethnic breakdown reveals that white individuals make up nearly half of the software engineering workforce at 48.5%, Asian individuals at 34%, Hispanic or Latino individuals at 8.1%, and Black or African American individuals at 6.4%. 

These statistics underscore the industry’s ongoing challenge to create a more inclusive and representative workforce, reflecting the urgency for concerted efforts to promote diversity and equity within software engineering. 

Embracing diversity not only enhances social justice but also fosters innovation, creativity, and the development of technology solutions that address the diverse needs of society. (Anita B.org Institute)

2. There are fewer women in engineering and computer science roles compared to other fields.

The representation of women in leadership positions and technical roles varies, with fewer women in engineering and computer science roles compared to other fields within tech companies.

The Anita Borg Institute found that women held only 20% of technical leadership roles in the tech industry. This is a significant underrepresentation, and it is one of the many challenges that women face in the tech industry.

Some factors contribute to this underrepresentation, including stereotypes about who can be a software engineer or technical leader, lack of role models for women in these roles, etc. (Anita B.org Institute)

3. Underrepresentation of women in leadership roles is a serious problem

Studies have shown that companies with more women in leadership tend to have higher profits and better financial performance. This is likely because women bring different perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more innovation and better decision-making.

Organizations where women make up over 30% of the executive team have shown a stronger likelihood of outperforming those with lower representation, falling between 10% to 30%. 

Despite this potential for success, the presence of women in leadership roles remains notably limited. In 2020, a mere 37 women held CEO positions among Fortune 500 companies, highlighting the substantial underrepresentation. (Market Splash)

4. Black and Hispanic ethnic and racial diversity in the tech industry has been a longtime concern. 

The lack of ethnic and racial diversity in the tech industry is a problem that has been well-documented. This is especially true in the United States, where Black and Hispanic people are significantly underrepresented in tech roles.

The 2021 study by the National Center for Women & Information Technology found that Black people made up only 8% of the tech workforce, while Hispanic people made up 7%. This is compared to 76% of the tech workforce who are white. (NCWIT)

5. Only 17% of transgender people work in the tech industry

LGBTQ+ representation in software engineering, as in many other industries, is an area where data may be limited, but efforts to create a more inclusive environment are evident. 

The 2021 survey by the Human Rights Campaign that you mentioned highlights that many Fortune 500 companies have implemented non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation and gender identity. 

These policies are essential steps toward creating a more welcoming workplace for LGBTQ+ individuals in the tech industry. (Human Rights Campaign)

6. Ageism is a real problem in the tech industry

Age discrimination in the tech industry is indeed a concern, and it has raised challenges for older software engineers while contributing to a lack of age diversity in some tech companies. 

There is a perception in the tech industry that younger engineers are more up-to-date with the latest technologies and coding practices. Companies may believe younger talent is more agile and adaptable in rapidly changing tech environments.

Hence, this has led to challenges for older software engineers and a lack of age diversity in some tech companies. According to a 2021 study by the Society of Human Resource Management, the average age of a software engineer in the United States is 34 years old. (SHRM)

7. 52% of software engineers are under the age of 35

The Stack Overflow survey also found that 52% of software engineers are under the age of 35, and 18% are 55 years old or older. This suggests that most software engineers are young, but there is a significant number of older software engineers, too.

These numbers may inform various decisions in the tech industry, including hiring practices, training programs, and initiatives aimed at supporting and retaining talent at different career stages.

It’s also important to recognize that the age distribution of developers can vary not only by country but also by factors such as industry specialization, the size and type of companies, and the specific technology stack. 

Different regions and sectors within the tech industry may have unique demographics. For example, the average age of a software engineer in India is 28 years old, according to a survey by Hired. This is likely because the tech industry in India is still growing, and there are more opportunities for young engineers.

The average age of software engineers is also likely to change over time. As the tech industry continues to evolve, there may be a need for more experienced engineers to help guide the way.

8. 70% of tech companies’ policies support employees with disabilities

Improving accessibility and inclusion for individuals with disabilities is a crucial aspect of creating a more diverse and equitable tech industry. As such, tech companies have been working to provide workplace accommodations to ensure that employees with disabilities have an accessible and comfortable work environment.

The National Council on Disability (NCD) reports that 70% of tech companies have policies in place to support employees with disabilities. This is a positive step, but there is still more work to be done. 

The NCD report also found that only 40% of tech companies have a dedicated employee resource group for people with disabilities. A 2023 report by the World Economic Forum found that only 1% of tech startups have a disability-inclusive founding team.

These statistics show that there is still a long way to go to make the tech industry more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. However, the progress that has been made so far is encouraging. (NCD)

9. 45% of the first half of 2023 layoffs in the tech industry affected women

The gender disparity in the tech workforce is already a well-documented issue, with women being underrepresented at various levels of tech companies. When layoffs occur, it can exacerbate this inequality and have long-lasting consequences, as it may disproportionately impact women in tech.

For instance, tech giants like Apple, Alphabet, Meta, and Salesforce were compelled to halt their ambitious hiring agendas and initiate significant workforce reductions. As per data from Layoffs.FYI, nearly 45 percent of individuals affected by these recent tech job cutbacks were women. 

The overall underrepresentation of women in tech means fewer women, making them more susceptible to layoffs when job cuts occur. The tech industry must recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion not only during times of growth but also during challenging periods like layoffs. (Tech Crunch)

Taking proactive steps to mitigate disparities and protect underrepresented groups is essential for creating a more equitable and resilient workforce.

10. Women constitute 50% of the workforce in STEM occupations

The projected representation of women in software engineering in the United States in 2023 is 23%. This means that out of every 100 software engineers in the United States, 23 are women. This is a slight increase from the current proportion of 21%.

This increase is encouraging, but it is still far from where it should be. According to a 2021 research by the Pew Research Institute, women constitute 50% of the workforce in STEM occupations, with healthcare comprising the majority of these positions. 

This means that there is a significant underrepresentation of women in this field. The presence of visible and successful female role models in software engineering can inspire and motivate more women to enter and thrive in the field. (Pew Research Institute)

11. 17% of tech jobs are located in developing countries

Geographic diversity is indeed crucial for the tech industry, especially for global companies that aim to tap into a diverse talent pool and expand their reach to markets around the world. 

While tech hubs like Silicon Valley have historically been magnets for talent and innovation, they have also been criticized for concentrating opportunities in specific regions and limiting geographic diversity.

The World Economic Forum study revealed that only 17% of tech jobs are in developing countries. This is a significant disparity, and it suggests that many talented people in developing countries are not being able to pursue careers in tech. 

However, it is essential to note that the concentration of tech jobs in a few significant hubs can lead to a monopoly of innovation, potentially stifling creativity and diverse problem-solving approaches. (World Economic Forum)

12. The average salary for a software engineer of Asian descent is higher than any other racial or ethnic group

According to Zippia, the average salary for a software engineer of Asian descent is higher than that of any other racial or ethnic group. 

There are several possible explanations for this disparity. One possibility is that Asian software engineers are more likely to have higher education and experience. Another possibility is that Asian software engineers are more likely to work in high-paying tech hubs like Silicon Valley.

It is important to note that this data is just an average, and there is much variation within each racial or ethnic group. Many Asian software engineers earn less than $100,000, and many white software engineers earn more than $95,000.

It is also important to note that salary is not the only factor that matters in determining the success of a software engineer. Other factors, such as satisfaction with work-life balance and opportunities for advancement, are also important.

But there and then, the data from Zippia suggests a disparity in the average salaries of software engineers from different racial or ethnic groups. However, it is essential to consider all of the factors that contribute to this disparity before making any conclusions. (Zippia)

13. 41% of software developers in the US have a bachelor’s degree, and 21% have a master’s degree.

As the global tech industry’s growth accelerates, more developers choose non-traditional education pathways, such as boot camps and self-paced learning. These pathways can be more affordable and flexible than traditional college degrees.

A 2021 survey by CourseReport found that 306% more software developers are choosing non-traditional education pathways than in 2018 and a 2022 report by the National Center for Women & Information Technology found that 52% of software developers who are women have a non-traditional education background.

However, a bachelor’s degree is still the most common educational qualification for software developers. This is because it provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of computer science and software engineering. 

A master’s degree can be helpful for those who want to specialize in a particular area of software development or who want to advance their careers. (Kinsta)

14. 54% of software developers work remotely full-time and 36% work remotely part-time.

A 2022 survey by LinkedIn found that 54% of software developers work remotely full-time and 36% work remotely part-time. The fact that over 50% of software developers work remotely underscores the significant shift towards remote work arrangements. 

This shift has been accelerated by technological advancements, the COVID-19 pandemic, and changing attitudes toward flexible work arrangements. 

Remote work allows developers to work from different locations, which can enhance work-life balance and enable them to choose environments where they are most productive. (LinkedIn)

15. 62% of software developers would prefer to work remotely full-time

Software development is a field that often relies heavily on computer-based work and can be done effectively using remote tools and technologies. As a result, it’s unsurprising that a significant portion of software developers would express a preference for remote work.

According to a 2023 study by FlexJobs, 62% of software developers say they prefer to work remotely full-time. This is up from 56% in 2022.

Remote workers often have a better work-life balance than their office-based counterparts. They can take breaks throughout the day without worrying about being interrupted. They can also work from home when sick or need to take care of personal matters.

16. Companies committed to diversity and inclusion are more likely to be successful 

A 2020 study by the consulting firm McKinsey & Company found that companies that actively seek out and hire people from underrepresented groups are 70% more likely to enter new markets successfully. 

This is because a more diverse team brings a broader range of perspectives and experiences to the table, which can help the company better understand the needs of new customers and markets.

The study also found that having a more diverse team improves the likelihood of coming up with plans that are broad in scope and highly effective. This is because a diverse team will likely have the skills and knowledge necessary to address various challenges.

Lastly, the study found that inclusive teams can help tap customer bases that have yet to be fully understood by the competition. This is because an inclusive team is more likely to be able to build relationships with customers from different backgrounds.

17. A diverse team is more attractive to top talent

The statistic that 76% of respondents in a Glassdoor survey considered a company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion important when evaluating job opportunities highlights how candidates value organizations that prioritize diversity. 

Candidates are increasingly drawn to workplaces that promote inclusivity and provide an environment where individuals from all backgrounds are welcomed and respected.

A diverse team and an inclusive work culture send a strong signal to potential employees that the company is dedicated to creating an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued. This can be a critical factor in attracting top talent, especially among individuals who seek workplaces that align with their personal values.

18. 12% of software engineers in the United States come from low-income families 

Socioeconomic diversity is a less discussed aspect of diversity in tech. Many individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds face barriers to entering the field due to poor access to quality education and resources.

The Brookings Institution study found that only 12% of software engineers in the United States come from low-income families. This is a significant disparity, and it suggests that many talented people from low-income backgrounds cannot pursue careers in tech. 

The barriers individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds face when entering the tech field can be substantial and contribute to the lack of representation. (Brookings Institution)


The use of statistics in software engineering has become increasingly important in recent years. This is due to the increasing complexity of software systems, the need to measure and improve software quality, and the desire to make better decisions about software development.

As technology keeps changing, statistics become more important. They help us see patterns and figure out where things might go wrong. This isn’t just about writing computer code; it’s about creating a better future using smart solutions.

In conclusion, software engineering statistics isn’t solely a tool—it’s a transformative power driving advancement in a changing digital landscape. As the mysteries of data are unraveled, doors swing open to innovation, reliability, and unparalleled user experiences. 

Through the prism of statistics, code transforms into creations that redefine industries, empower societies, and foster connections among humanity in ways once thought improbable. Thus, the journey ahead shines brightly with the brilliance of software engineering statistics, inspiring ongoing curiosity and dedication.


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