AlgoExpert vs. Educative io – Which Is Better?


You’ve heard about both platforms, but if you are still confused about which one to go for, right? Then you’ve come to the right page.

In this post, I’m going to put AlgoExpert and Educative io to the test.

So if you are looking for an in-depth comparison and verdict on which is better between these two Code Interview Preparation platforms, then keep reading.

Because in this review post, I’m going to compare AlgoExpert vs. Educative in terms of;

  • Course Content
  • Pricing
  • Pros and Cons
  • And which platform is better overall

Although I highly recommend Tech Interview Pro as the overall best resource to prepare for coding interviews, I’m going to give you my honest verdict on which is better between AlgoExpert and Educative.

So without much talk, let’s dive in!

First, Let’s Introduce The Two Competitors

On the right, we have AlgoExpert, and here’s an overview of the platform.

AlgoExpert Overview


AlgoExpert is one of the most popular websites where programmers looking for tech jobs can practice many coding interview questions mostly asked at top tech companies like Meta, Netflix, Spotify, Google, Amazon, etc.

On this platform, you can find in-depth courses and tutorials on virtually any coding questions usually asked in coding interviews. 

Most programming exercises on the site are centered on data structure, algorithms, and problem-solving.

Also, AlgoExpert comes with other in-depth resources for various career paths like SystemExpert, MLExpert, FrontendExpert, and programming Expert.

The following are some fantastic content you will meet in AlgoExpert;

  • 160 Hand-Picked Programming Questions
  • 100+ Hours of Video Explanation Tutorials
  • Data Structure And Algorithm Crash Courses
  • Mock Coding Interviews

And much more!

On the left, we have, and here is an overview of the platform as well; Overview is another tremendous resource to learn to program, practice coding hands-on and learn lots of in-demand tech skills.

With the majority of users being software engineers and engineering managers/executives, Educative has become a trusted resource to over 1.4 million students currently working for tech companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, Salesforce, etc.

In Educative platform, you can learn about any core programming skill set required for your career path, like frontend development, backend development, data science, machine learning, game development, DevOps, and much more.

The following are some of the valuable content available on;

  • Enterprise Course For Supercharging Engineering Teams
  • World-class Programming Courses For Individuals
  • Personalized Learning Plans
  • Real World Application Coding Project
  • Interview Preparation Guides

And much more.

AlgoExpert Vs. Educative – Comparison

Let’s Dive Into Their Comparison 

Now, we have seen an overview of both platforms, so let’s get into the comparisons.

Which Platform Is Best For Programming Language And Practice Questions?

When preparing for a coding interview, the technical part comes first. 

You have to master your programming language, the basics, and critical concepts and build up confidence by practicing programming questions that you are most likely to encounter.

So let’s see who comes top;


AlgoExpert has a pool of over 160 programming questions spanning 15 categories.

These practice questions are based on core programming topics like data structure, algorithm, problem-solving along with space-time complexity.

The good thing about AlgoExpert practice questions is that they are classified into four difficulty levels; easy, medium, hard, and very hard.

That way, coders can build up their confidence quickly while making it through them.

Here are some topics users will be tested on; array, graphs, binary tree, recursion, stacks, famous algorithms, etc.

As for the programming languages, users can practice coding in 9 programming languages, which include Javascript, python, kotlin, swift, typescript, c++, java, c#, and go.


Educative programming questions are classified based on the user’s field of interest.

Depending on your career path – and there are tons of them – a module could contain up to 100 quizzes and more than 50 coding challenges designed explicitly for that module.

For instance, the career path module for “C++ For Programmers” contains up to 152 quizzes and 83 challenges, “Become A Frontend Developer” contains 46 quizzes and 49 challenges, “Become A Machine Learning Engineer” includes 20 quizzes and 202 challenges, and so on.

And as for the programming languages, Educative offers over 30 programming languages – just name it!

These programming languages include Python, Go, PHP, JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, Kotlin, Ruby, Vue, React, Perl, C, R, and more.

Bottom line, when it comes to practice questions and programming language, Educative beats AlgoExpert.

Which Platform Is Best For Online Coding (Built-in Editor)

One good thing about AlgoExpert and Educative is that both platforms have a built-in feature-rich code editor where users can practice their coding questions on the go.

So let’s look into each platform’s built-in code editor.


AlgoExpert’s in-built code editor has tons of fantastic features.

It’s divided into four parts; the question field, the solution, the quick test field, and the output.

The code editor shows you the difficulty level, you have a timer you could easily set up to track your problem-solving speed, and you can easily switch between the nine programming languages.

There are code hints under each question to guide your answers.

I also like the fact that you can switch between light and dark mode, customize the layout, and speed up coding using special keyboard commands.


Educative also has its own in-built code editor with some great hallmarks.

The code editors work a hundred percent like Vs Code, and you can also enable vim key binding.

Educative built-in editors have their own terminals where you can easily debug your code. It’s also very intuitive for organizing code files – which is one thing I love about it.

You can also manually or automatically run codes, change the theme between light and dark modes, adjust text width, and much more.

When it comes to built-in editors on AlgoExper and Educative, there is no clear winner here.

So we call it a tie.

Which Platform Explains Programming Concept Best?

You can’t practice questions if you don’t understand them, so it is crucial to choose the best platform to teach you in the most digestible format possible.

Let’s see which platform will win.


On AlgoExpert, as you practice the questions, there are 100+ hours of explainer videos readily made to explain hard concepts to you once you get stuck.

In fact, for every question, there is a video tutorial that explains in great detail how to solve it. Clement Mahailescu, the founder of AlgoExpert is the key tutor in most videos.

These explainer videos are divided into two parts; the first part walks you through the problem at hand, while the second part walks you through the most optimal solution.

And that’s not all. You will be taught how to think like a programmer by developing the most efficient algorithm for a problem, even before writing a line code.

That way, you will develop problem-solving skills that are not limited to one programming language.


Educative also has tons of educative resources that will explain every programming topic and their questions in great detail.

However, the platform doesn’t use video explained – all tutorials are text-based.

The way the lessons are divided makes them very easy to follow; from easy concepts to advanced, and the courses are delivered in text lessons, quizzes, code playground, and illustrations 

Lastly, with Educative, you can track your progress as you blaze through the course.

Bottom line? While both platforms have awesome programming tutorials, research has shown that people learn better through videos than text. 

So in explaining coding concepts AlgoExpert wins.

Which Platform Has The Best Career Path Resources?

So you probably want to land a specific job role. Then the platform you choose must cover your field of interest.

Let’s see which one does that!


In AlgoExpert, you can find specialized courses for various career paths included in multiple specialist offers.

Some of the career paths included are; web development, game development, iOS and Android development, and desktop development.

There are specialist courses designed for;

  • Frontend Developers (FrondendExpert)
  • System and Product Designer (SystemExpert)
  • Ai and Machine Learning MLExpert

And they also teach tutorials in python, which means data analysts are not left out as well.

Educative offer courses on virtually any tech career path, from basic web designing to DevOps,

In Educative, their career paths addressed include;

  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Game Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Application Programming
  • Cloud Development
  • SQL Database Scripting
  • Data Analysis

And lots more!

The amazing thing about the platform is that you can master your skill in any programming language.

For instance, there are web development courses in React and Node, but if you want to use ASP.NET, it’s also available. What about PHP? You’re covered as well.

With their large pool of programming languages, Educative has every learning material for any career path in tech. 

So when it comes to Career path resources, Educative wins this round.

Which Platform is Best For Learning Soft Skill and Behavioral Interview Questions? 

How well you perform in the Behavioral Interview Questions of tech will be a major determinant of whether you get the job.

In fact, the best tech talent will not get hired if they display poor soft skills.

So choose a platform that will teach you what you need to know in this aspect.


AlgoExpert also offers tutorials on soft skills in their behavioral interview prep course spanning 15 video lessons.

Each video has a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a max of 17 mins.

In AlgoExpert Behavioral Interview Prep Course, you will be taught what behavioral interviews are and how to tackle questions like team conflict, work pressure, past mistakes, challenging projects, feedback, comfort zone, and more.

The course is anchored by Ex-Google software engineer Clement Mihailescu – the founder of AlgoExpert and manor tutor on the platform 


Educative also has a very fabulous course on Behavioral Interview Preparation, which you can access in their Grokking The Behavioral Course.

In their Grokking the Behavioral Interview Course, you will be taught in 35 lessons, 5 Quizzes, and 37 illustrations how to handle soft-skill-related interview questions.

This course is estimated to be completed in 5 hours – all text-based as usual. And they also have many helpful free blog posts on the topic guest posted by professional developers.

You’ll learn skills like;

  • Using the STAR technique
  • Identify behavioral questions
  • Introducing yourself
  • Developing rapport
  • Body language
  • Phone etiquette
  • Video conference interviews techniques

And much more.

You’ll also be taught what to do when you are not an exact match for the job or are rejected. Then you’ll be given some quizzes to test what you’ve learned.

To be honest, AlgoExpert didn’t do justice to their Behavioral Interview Course because the lessons are so short and act like a summary of what should have been a key topic to tackle.

Users can’t become Behavioral savvy by taking their shallow course.

However, did better with there’s, offering over 30 lessons and encouraging their contributing writers to publish articles on the topic as well.

When it comes to Behavioral Interview Preparation, is better than AlgoExpert.

AlgoExpert Vs. Pricing

Let’s see how both compare in terms of pricing.

AlgoExpert Pricing

AlgoExpert offers various pricing packages,  all based on the various career paths.

Their subscription model is annual, which means you have to review your access every year.

In the past, they had a premium plan that gave you access to every package, but now they’ve spread their product offers strictly on various career paths.

Here is a list of AlgoExpert Pricing Offers based on a tall subscription;

  • AlgoExpert – $27 
  • Tech Interview Bundle – $43
  • SystemExpert – $27
  • FrontendExpert – $27
  • Frontend Interview Bundle – $43
  • FullStack Interview Bundle – $56
  • MLExpert – $27
  • Also & ML Bundle – $43
  • ML Interview Bundle – $56

The above prices are discounted prices of about 30 – 60% for one year as of the time of writing. You can check their details in the screenshot below.

Educative Pricing

Educative pricing is classified into two; 

  • For Enterprise 
  • For Individual

Billed annually.

For the Enterprise Pricing package, you have 3 offers, Team Package ($299), Enterprise Package ($399), and The Enterprise Plus, which is custom priced.

See the detailed component of the Enterprise Pricing plans below;

The individual Package – also called the unlimited plan – offers a Premium Package ($14.99), Standard Package ($9.99), and a discounted monthly price explicitly for various individual countries.

And yes, offers free trials for most of their courses available to any signed-in user.

All the Individual pricing plans are billed every month. See detailed content of these pricing offers below;

So far, Educative still wins when it comes to pricing because, for approximately 160 – 200 dollars per year, you can secure access to all the prep questions and courses on the platform.

But on AlgoExpert, you’ll have to purchase multiple offers to access their various courses, which could add up to heavy bills rather quickly. Pros And Cons


  • Learning opportunities for multiple career paths
  • Access to free courses
  • Vas library of programming languages
  • Hands-on coding sessions


  • Courses are not accredited
  • No option for video lessons
  • Newbies can be easily overwhelmed

AlgoExpert Pros And Cons


  • Taught by expert and ex-software engineers from FAANG companies
  • Text and video-based guides
  • Safe learning paced
  • Hands-on coding session
  • Practical mock interview


  • It can be pricey quickly
  • Limited language options
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Not ideal for DevOps, Cloud Engineers, or PHP Developers

Which Code Interview Prep Is Better – AlgoExpert or is better than AlgoExpert regarding interviews because its resources are vast.

Unlike AlgoExpert, Educative is beginner-friendly, and they also have free courses you can learn from and get a feel for their teaching style.

If you want to go for anyone, I recommend you check out the It is my #2 recommendation based on the best FAANG interview preparation courses I have reviewed.

Tech Interview Pro tops as the #1 recommendation from the list of interview courses. It costs a one-time discounted fee of $597. The major downside is that it is quite expensive but definitely worth the cost.

If you are on a budget, is an excellent course, especially if you take the Grokking the Coding Interview course which is in their catalog.

Wishing you the best with your interviews!

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